Saturday, February 27, 2010

So still takes FOREVER! Just a reminder to everybody- Nairobi and me will be 8 hrs ahead of ET and 9 hrs ahead of CT. I fly around 5 pm on Monday to Heathrow and then onto Nairobi after a short layover. I will arrive in Nairobi around 9 pm local time, so around noon on Tuesday in central time zone. Love you all and wish me luck!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Chapter One

So I'm setting up my blog for my International Medicine pharmacy rotation in Eldoret, Kenya. I'm really excited about this experience and can't wait to go. I think I'm going to miss home a little more than what I thought I would. There's so much left to do to get ready to leave. I have so much going on right now. Hopefully I will blog on a regular basis, but I've never been the diary type. You'll have to forgive me if I don't complete multiple posts a week. I can promise that I will take tons of pictures while in Kenya. I love pictures, but usually don't take many of myself.
Love you all!