Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chapter Four: Jinja

So I'm exhausted and burnt on my hands, knees and a little on my face. Gosh but it was worth it. White rafting on grade 5 rapids on the Nile was AWESOME. Pretty scary, I feel out 3 times including the time the whole raft tipped over. The last one was most intense, the water somersaulted me and I swallowed quite a bit. I had to fight to get up. The day was unreplacable though.
We're out more in rural areas. Houses and livestock and people are different out here. Basically no fences just goats, cattle, and their babies hanging out. Little adorable girls and boys run after us waving usually with both hands. The scenery continues to be lush. Banana trees and sugar cane galore with palms and flowering trees in purples, reds, magentas, oranges, and yellows.
I'm going to head to bed soon. It was great to finally hear from family and Donnie today. Skype is not as reliable as I thought it would be. Love you all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. what a neat experience. glad I didn't know beforehand just how dangerous it was!
    We continue to try to contact you by Skype and cell and keep getting "invalid number" or a busy signal. Luv u, Mom
