Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chapter Three: Mazungu

Yes, I am a mazungu. For everybody in the States, this means foreigner (originally term for white colonists). I do feel foreign to this practice of medicine. It's very frustrating to know the resource constraints and try to provide the best care I know possible. I had my first day at the hospital today. The Kenyan medical students had a test today so rounding starting early and ended early.....Sooo I didn't get to attend rounds. I was pretty disappointed.
Those who know me well, know I have a fairly sensitive nose. I grew up on a pig farm so I can take the manure/fecal odors, but the stench of all the patients' body odor is pretty uniquely strong. Kenyans don't really have the American obsession with deodorant and perfume, basic suppression of body odors.
I am going on a pretty awesome trip this weekend. The only way you'll be able to get a hold of me is through my cell phone, which I'll post next to the address. We're heading to Uganda to do Nile River rafting. I'm going tomorrow afternoon and getting back later on Sunday. I'm excited and tired.
We had an AMAZING game of dodgeball today. Fourteen people wailing each other with balls. My preceptor played, which is awesome. I'm kinda sore though.

1 comment:

  1. Jess, we have tried repeatedly to call your cell phone, but it won't work. Can you email and let us know if anyone else has had any luck?
    Hope you are having a great weekend!
    Luv, Mom
