Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chapter Two: Eldoret and Jet lagged

So I am finally here in Kenya! Right now it's almost noon here and 3 am CT in the states. I am so incredibly tired. Did not sleep that well last night. We went to bed around 1:30 am local time and woke up @ 5 am to get ready and leave for our flight from Nairobi to Eldoret. I spent a good amount of time last night trying to get the prepaid phone cards to work with the hotel phone, but we weren't allowed to make ANY outside calls. It was so frustrating. It's been fairly rainy here already. Our driver said that rainy season is starting early. :(
The drive into town from the airport was great. It's a beautiful day here and the air smells so sweet, like oranges. There's cattle everywhere! LOL They were crossing the street as we were leaving the airport. Tons of little calves and baby goats. I love how lush and green and bright everything is. There's so many gorgeous flowering trees and bushes. Bright pinks, fuschias, lavenders and deep purples. I can't wait to take pictures of all of it. One strange thing was the number and frequency of butchers. Not what you'd see back home. Well, I'm going to go nap before lunch. Miss you and love you all!
PS I already have both the family's and Donnie's pic up in my room.

1 comment:

  1. You paint a beautiful picture withall the mention of color. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures.
    When do you start working?
    What temperature is it?
    Hope you get rested up.
    Luv u,
